Improve cow health and production with our dental device
If a cow can’t chew properly, it wastes food and loses nutrients. This could lead to decreased production, potential infertility, and weight loss. And if this is happening throughout a farm, overall animal health will be low and financial losses could be significant.
To date, cow dental health is not monitored in the UK. Vets routinely carry out dental inspections on other animals, such as horses and family pets, but there is no safe and easy way to check a cow’s mouth.
Ovation Agriculture is developing a new product to solve this issue. Our dental gag will hold the cow’s mouth in the correct position to provide stability, safety and access to allow examinations and treatments.
The product is in its early stages of development and is being supported by: The CENSIS Milk Round Technology Accelerator part of the: Digital Dairy Chain.
Benefits of cow dental health
Regular inspections would check for decay, gum health and mouth infections that can spread bacteria throughout the body.
Ease discomfort
Ensure an efficient use of feed
Lower antibiotic use
Increase longevity of the cow
Protect yield
As well as our dental gag manufacturing, we are also developing training resources for clinicians.
Our innovation recently led us to runner up position in the Converge KickStart competition. Read more.
Let's have a chat
If you have a farm or veterinary practice. let's have a chat about how we can help you. Please fill in the contact form below and we'll get in touch as soon as possible.
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